Robert Lashawn G


Gender Man
I am looking for: Man (24-30)
Zip Code: 29201
Age: 41
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


Well I'm a layback person, who love to has fun and get to know peoples,. Also I'm cool and friendly to all who I meet regard of age or sex, and races, I'm just that lovable, I'm honest, and I don't play no mind games at all, and I'm fair in my judge of others, because I says that because none of us is perfect as Christ was so we do fuckup in our life everyday, and make mistaken.
College: South University
Music: Trey Songz,Lady GaGa, Williow Smith,Nicki Minaj(that my girl), and love to listen to Gospel Music
TV: I love to watch T.V Shows such as the Jefferson and Good times and so on.
Books: any star treks books, and love to read the bibles
Sports: Greenbay pack
Interests: I s to be the best I can with GOD help
Movies: I'm a Sci Fi movies are number 1 in my book
BestFeatures: My ass, and lips
Dreams: To become Counselor working youthful and openup offices to asstance inmates in prisons/jail centers

What I am looking for

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